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1 Choose your destiny (63581) Rajiv K Mishra 1
2 The jack welch lexicon of leader ship (63569) Jeffery A. Kramer 1
3 Personality(63543) Rohit bhargava 1
4 The most common mistakes in English usage (63541) Thomas elliot berry 1
5 Communication in a visual organization (63503) Sandra D. Collins 1
6 The good Grammar guide richard palmer 1
7 Reviewed (63572) Hassy paul and ross rock 1
8 Communication skills and scientists(63535) Sangeeta sharma, binod Mishra 1
9 Oxford Guide to effective writing and speaking (65521) John selly 1
10 No Rules (63518) DAN S. Kennedy 1
11 Creating passion brands (63575) Johnsons and Johnson 1
12 The secrets of success (63573) William E. Rother hild 1
13 Executive warfare (63564) F.D'Aiessandro 1
14 Living big (63554) Pam Grout 2
15 Vocabulary for TOEFL / IELTS (30735) lingua forum 1
16 Technical Communication skills for engineers (66818) Meenakshi raman, sangeeta sharma 5
17 How to read better and faster (30738) Norman lewis 1
18 Personality developemt(63563) Wallace malters 1
19 English vocabulary in use Stuart and redman 5
20 True stories from India's BPO and call centres (63562) Sundhindra Mokhasi 1
21 Communications in a virtual organization(63504) Sandra D. Collins 1
22 Jack welch and the 4 E's of leadership (63568) Jeffery A. Kramer 1
23 The greatest Salesman in the world (63553) OG Mandino 1
24 Winning habits (63522) B.P.Bam 1
25 Engish usage for cat Sujit Kumar 1
26 Cambridge advanced learners Dictionary (63510) 2
27 Effective Technical Communication Mashrof Rigvi 1
28 Technical Communication Meenakshi raman, sangeeta sharma 1
29 Tofel - How to prepare for the Tofel test (20102) Pamela J. Sharpe 1
30 GRE 2008(30757) Galgotia 1
31 English for Science and Engineering (63508) I Vor williams 1
32 English for Professional success (63506) David romos norma, Gonjalef isa tirado 1
33 How to prepare for the GRE tests (20101) Gal gotia 1
34 Leading people the Black belt way (63559) Timothy H. warmela 1
35 Objective English Edgu thrpe showick thorpe 2
36 Idioms, Homonyms one word substitutions and phrasal verbs Dayananda Alamuni 1
37 Brilliant Relationships(63558) Annie lionnet 1
38 Hand book of English Grammar and usage(63547) Mark lester and larry Beason 5
39 Modern English Grammar T. Surya prakash 1
40 English Dictionary Collins cobrey 1