Research Labs - K L Deemed to be University

Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation

(Deemed to be University)

Research Labs

Research Labs
S.No Department Name of the Research Lab Type of LAB
1 Bio Technology Bioprocess Technology Center of Excellence
2. Bio Technology Plant Tissue Culture & Breeding Research LAB
3. Bio Technology Genomics & Proteomics Research LAB
4. Bio Technology Biomedical Research Research LAB
5. Bio Technology Bioinformatics Research LAB
6. Computer Science and Engineering Software Engineering Research LAB
7. Computer Science and Engineering Computer Networks & Security Research LAB
8. Computer Science and Engineering Data Mining Research LAB
9. Computer Science and Engineering IBM Technology Industry Collaborated LAB ( IBM center of excellency)
10. Computer Science and Engineering Micro Soft Industry Collaborated LAB
11. Computer Science and Engineering Oracle Industry Collaborated LAB
12. Computer Science and Engineering CISCO Industry Collaborated LAB
13. Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Research LAB
14. Civil Engineering Geotechnical & Transportation Engineering Research LAB
15. Civil Engineering Environment, Water Resource & GIS Research LAB
16. Electronics and Communication Engineering RF, Microwave and Antennas Center of Excellence
17. Electronics and Communication Engineering

Antennas & Liquid Crystals Research Lab

Research LAB
18. Electronics and Communication Engineering

Infrared Imaging Center

Research LAB
19. Electronics and Communication Engineering Aerospace Communication Research Lab Research LAB
20. Electronics and Communication Engineering VLSI & MEMS Research Lab Research LAB
21. Electronics and Communication Engineering

Biomechanics & Vision Computing Research Lab

Research LAB
22. Electronics and Communication Engineering NI LAB Industry Collaborated LAB
23. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Power Systems Research LAB
24. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Power Electronics & Drives Research LAB
25. Electronics and Computer Systems Embedded Systems Center of Excellence
26. Electronics and Computer Systems Image Processing Research LAB
27. Electronics and Computer Systems Web Technologies Research LAB
28. Mechanical Engineering Condition Monitoring Center Research LAB
29. Mechanical Engineering Thermal Engineering Research LAB
30. Mechanical Engineering Production, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Research LAB
31. Mechanical Engineering Robotics & Mechatronics Center of Excellence
32. Management SPSS Lab Research LAB
33. English Translation Studies Research LAB
34. Mathematics Fluid Dynamics Research LAB
35. Physics Center for emerging materials Research LAB
36. Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry Research LAB