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Business School

Research Publications - Journal

S.NoName(s) of the AuthorTitleNational / InternationalConf/Jur NameYear
1Dr. V. Rama DeviPerfomance evaluation of equity Mutual funds NATThe Journal of Indian Management and Strategy2010
2Dr C AnbalaganCorporate Social Responsibility and Social AccountingNATSamiksha2011
3Mr. V Srinivas Managerial Competencies: A Tool for Job Performance INTIRACST Engineering Science & Technology: An International Journal2011
4Dr C AnbalaganSignificant of Performance Scale of Medium Scale Manufacturing of Auto ComponentsINTKKIMRC International Journal of Researching Financial And Accounting2011
5Dr C AnbalaganCrises and Ethics Training of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Auditing and ReportingINTJM International Journal of Management Research2011
6Dr C AnbalaganRole and Challenges for Implication of Knowledge management Technology on Business out Sources in IndiaINTIRACST- International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications2011
7Dr C AnbalaganEffective Rural Development Strategies for the Improvement of Indian EconomyINTIRACST Engineering Science & Technology: An International Journal2011
8Dr C AnbalaganPerformance Scale of Small and Medium Scale Manufacturing of Auto Components INTIRACST Engineering Science & Technology: An International Journal2011
9Dr C AnbalaganA Study Present Performance and Public Expenditure of Higher, Secondary, Primary and Women Education in India- An Overview INTKKIMRC International Journal of Research in Education and Communication Technology2011
10Dr C AnbalaganProblems and Prospectus of Education for Disabilities in India- An OverviewINTKKIMRC International Journal of Research in Education and Communication Technology2011
11Dr C AnbalaganImplementation of Evolutionary Algorithms in different methods of Research-A Analytical approach with Selection, Recombination , Mutation, Reinsertion and Population Model INTInternational Journal of Computer Science, Information Technology & Security 2011
12Dr C AnbalaganGlobalization and Emerging Trends of Industrial Development in IndiaNATViswakarma Business Review2011
13Dr C AnbalaganCustomer Relationship in Retail Banking in IndiaINTJM International of Marketing Management 2011
14Dr. B M Harsha VardhanCustomers’ Awareness and Utilisation of Technology-based Services Banks- Case of HDFC Bank in APNATSouthern Economist2011
15Dr A V S KameshBusiness Process Outsourcing to Knowledge Process outsourcing- A Paradigm ShiftNATGITAM Journal of Management 2011
16Dr C AnbalaganMechanisms of Corporate governance Movements and Perspectives in IndiaNATJournal of Management and Entrepreneurship2011
17A Vasudeva ReddyTechnological Trends in CRMNATResearch Spectrum2011
18I Ram PrasadRegulations of Micro financial Institutions for uplifting Self help groupsINTInt. Journal of Research in Finance & Accounting2012
19Dr.B.M.HarshavardhanHandloom market (need for market Assessment,problems marketing strategy)INTInternational Journal of emergineg research in Management &Technology2013
20Dr.D.SUNDARIICT Revolution in Banking - A Strategy of Financial InclusionNATAdvances in Economics and Business Management2015
21Dr Vijay HRD Climat A comparative study of select NAT2015
22Dr: A. B. SaraswathiCorporate Social Responsibility- Role of HRMINTInternational Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research2015
23Dr.D.SUNDARITelangana Banking Industry on the path towards progress - A Synoptic View of Credit Disbursement and AdvancesNATBook Published by Professional Book Publishers2015
24Dr. P. Raja BabuA conceptual study on deteriorating effects of phishing on customer relationsNATConsumer protection in the era of advanced technology2015
25Dr Vijay A study on cyber crime, hacking and preventive methodsNATCyber crimes and consumer protection2015
26Dr. P. Raja BabuRole of technology in Indian banking sector and it''s prevailing threats” is published in the edited book NATConsumer protection in the era of advanced technology2015
27Dr. V. N SailajaForeign Direct Investment: Indian ScenarioINTInternational journal of English literature & humanities2015
28Dr: A. B. SaraswathiThe Emerging Digital Commercial Technologies- A Boon or Bane to the ConsumerNATKLU 2016
29DR. N. Bindu MadhaviA Comparative study on NPAs in Public sector and Private sector Banks in IndiaINTInternational journal of Business and Management2016
30Dr V.V Madhav An Empirical Analysis on Asset Quality of Indian Banking Industry - Non-performing Assets to AdvancesINTJournal of Accounting and Marketing2016