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Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

To be a globally renowned KLEF, as per our vision, we need to produce quality products (graduates) into the market who have potential strengths to meet all the professional and personal challenges prevailing at global levels and who can serve in all the possible positions of their respective job domains and contribute towards holistic growth of their respective employment providers as well as the nation, world. The graduates must also possess cutting edge R&D skills in their domain areas.

This, is exactly what has been framed into the KLEF’s Mission and thereby the Mission has converged into the following Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) which are best suited to Undergraduate Engineering programs, and are those that compliment the KLEF vision, mission.

  1. Practice engineering in a broad range of industrial, societal and real world applications.
  2. Pursue advanced education, research and development, and other creative and innovative efforts in science, engineering, and technology, as well as other professional careers.
  3. Conduct themselves in a responsible, professional, and ethical manner.
  4. Participate as leaders in their fields of expertise and in activities that support service and economic development throughout the world.

These PEOs are designed to be attained by all the graduates within 3 to 5 years of their graduation.
