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Department of
electronics & communication Engineering

M.Tech Atmospheric Science

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1  To produce M.Tech graduates with enhanced skills in quantitative and scientific reasoningthat can be applied to atmospheric and space problems.
PEO2  To produce M.Tech graduates with enhanced knowledge on a range of atmospheric and space phenomena and applications, and to have expertise in one or more program sub - disciplines or related interdisciplinary areas.
PEO3 To produce M.Tech graduates who are better equipped to contribute to solving problems in the atmospheric sciences, Space Technology and related disciplines, through service in business or as educators, researchers, and leaders in academia, government, the private sector,and civil society. 
PEO4 To produce highly competent scientists/ engineers/ technologists in the field of atmospheric science and space technology throughfocusing on specializations in communication Sector,lower and upper atmosphere and satellite navigation systems, weather and climate data mining and applications

Programe Outcomes

PO1  The courses expose students to a deep understanding of Channel Encoding and    Decoding,    Modulation    and          Demodulation,   Radio      Frequency Conversion, Channel Transmission, and performance extraction. 
 PO2  The course involves understanding of the physical issues in communications and its abstraction to mathematical models, f ollowed by engineering approximation leading to a viable algorithm 
 PO3  The course involves mathematical modeling of communication events including noise, devices and systems  that are different across various channels and hence is intensively problem oriented. 
  PO4  The approach in this course has been to provide a strong exposure to fundamentals with full mathematical rigor in Signal Processing, Communications and Electromagnetic followed by an exposure to specif ic courses in state of art in wireless, wire line and optical communications. This provides a strong background to engage in developments in these communication systems. 
 PO5  The student is exposed to Numerical and Algorithmic procedures in the theoretical courses with a strong lab component using Matlab environment, Embedded Environment and Electromagnetic Flow solver tools like HFSS and FEKO.
 PO6  As a part of the mini project, major project or internship the student is exposed to interfacing for communications with real world sensors, transmission of speech and complex images from cameras all of which require multidisciplinary work. 
 PO7  Dev As a part of progress reports on mini and major projects the student is expected to develop his skills in written and oral presentation of the work that he has accomplished. Develop professional and ethical attitude and become socially responsible citizens. 
 PO8  Exposure to prerequisite math’s and a mathematically rigorous approach to communication theory will provide him with all the necessary background to pursue a career in any field of communications going forward in his career. 
 PO9  In the individual lab assignments, mini project and major project tasks the student is exposed to thought provoking issues in communication system practice that need association of theoretical learning with real issues in a communication environment. 

Course Outcomes (CO)