Welcome to ICASCM-2023

The Department of Civil Engineering KL Deemed to be University is glad to announce the National Conference on “Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials (ICASCM 2023)” on 1st and 2ndDecember, 2023 at KL Deemed to be University, Andhra Pradesh, India. The ICASCM 2023 provides a two-day research extravagance which will be having a perfect blend of keynote addresses and oral presentations via online mode through which an ample networking opportunity for collaborations and partnerships that can drive wide recognition and adds value to the enlisted career profiles from the world's brightest minds in engineering and technology. This platform will eventually benefit the young research minds to bring forth the ideas and develop it into a solution for future world.

ICASCM 2023 aims to pave the critical role of the Construction materials pathway toward sustainable development and technology among different research domains of Civil Engineering. The conference will explore novel materials and methodologies for sustainable development and technologies.

Conduction of conference will be done Virtually (Online mode). The online presentation will be held on the Cisco Webex platform.

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