Department of Basic Engineering Sciences-I

Sl.No IQAC Responsibilities Faculty Name
1 AQ.4. Details of Registered students for the current semester in the department Mr. Dorababu
AQ.5. Details of Depatmental committee meetings conducted.
2 Result analysis committee Mr. ASALGG Gupta
3 Discipline committee Mr.T.Ganesan
4 Committee for speaking english Mr.M.Ram Kumar
5 Womens’ forum committee Dr.E.Sridevi
6 Lab monitoring committee Dr.SK.Razia, Dr.M.Anusha,
7 LMS/ERP committee Mr. Krishna Suresh B V N V, Mr. T. Ganesan
8 Vetting committee Course coordinators
9 Counsiling Commitee Meeting Ms.P.Gayathri
10 Quality Circle Faculty Committee Ms. P. Hymavathi
11 Quality Circle student Committee Ms. P. Hymavathi
12 AQ.6. Details of HOD meetings with Faculty/Staff during this month Ms.V.PremaLatha
13 AQ.7. Details of SRPs conducted (Theory/Lab) for AY 2022-23 Course coordinators
14 AQ.8. Details of Department Academic Activities Course coordinators
15 AQ.10. Details of Guest / Orientation Lectures conducted Ms. Manjusha
16 AQ.12. Details of Enrollment of ‘Professional Society Membership' Dr. M. Anusha
17 AQ.14. Details of Internal Theory /Lab Result analysis for various courses Mr. ASALGG Gupta
18 AQ.15. Details of Sem End Theory /Lab Result analysis for various courses Mr. ASALGG Gupta
19 AQ.16. Number of Students having backlog subjects Mr. S. Aravindan
20 AQ.17. Details of Academic feedback from students on current semester courses Mr. E.Rajesh Kumar
21 AQ.19. Details of verification of Acdemic counseling activity Ms. S. Karimunnisa
22 FQ.1. Details of Teaching & Non-Teaching faculty in the department Mr. E.Rajesh Kumar
23 FQ.2. Details of Conference / Workshop / Seminar/ webinar Attended & Presented Dr. Supriya menon
24 FQ.3. Details of Global Certifications completed by the faculty during the Academic year Dr. Supriya menon
25 FQ.4. Details of Awards / Recognitions / Fellowships received by faculty from Govt. bodies Dr. Supriya menon
26 FQ.5. Details of faculty acting as Reviewer/Editorial board for Magazine / Journal etc. Dr. Supriya menon
SQ.1. Details of Student committee meetings conducted.
27 Girls hostels committee Ms.U.Harita
28 Canteen committee Ms. P.Sai Sudha
29 SQ.4. Details of the students who organised / participated in various competitions Mr. K.S.Raghu Praveen
30 SQ.5. Details of the Awards / Recognitions received by students / scholars Mr. Shankar prasad Mithra
31 SQ.7. Details of Complaints / Suggestions recieved through Complaint box / book in BES Dept. Ms. Ch.Lavanya
32 EQ.1. Details of Computer systems available in the department Dr.SK.Razia/Dr M Anusha
33 EQ.2. Details of books recommended to the Central Library Ms.K.Radha
34 EQ.4. Details of Laboratory / Furniture maintenance Dr.SK.Razia/Dr M Anusha
35 EQ.5. No of Classrooms in the department Mr. E.Rajesh Kumar
36 1) Conduction of Department counselling
committee meeting
Ms. P.Gayathri
a) Allocation of counsellors - Academic year wise for all the
years of the program
b) Counselling report given by the Prof. Incharge
(counselling) to the counselling committee in that month.
c) Department circular showing constitution of counselling committee
d) Minutes of the counselling committee meeting.
e) Mail (Minutes) sent to central counselling committee/ Incharge with CC marked to the principal.
f) Random verfification of any 2 counselling books by the auditor.
37 2) Function of Quality Circle (students) and Quality circles (Faculty)
a) Circular showing constitution of student Quality circles (students) and students Quality circles (Faculty) (To verify whether members are members of student committees) Ms. Hymavathi
b) Mail sent by the HOD to the students sharing the earmarked calendar of events for that month earmarked to students exclusively.
c) Minutes of the Quality Circles (students ) meeting.
d) Minutes of the Quality Circles (Faculty) meeting.
e) Mail sent by the HOD to the central IQAC submitting Quality Circles (Faculty) minutes and to the students.
f) Minutes of the central IQAC meeting with student (Quality circles) and Faculty (Quality Circles) sent to the departments by central IQAC.
38 3) Faculty Orientation Lectures Ms. Manjusha
a) Circular to the faculty giving details of orientation lecture. ( 2 domain specific and one quality related)
b) Attendance sheet showing signatures of faculty attended.
c) Photograph and brief report of orientation lecture.
d) List of faculty members absent for the orientation lecture giving reasons for their absence and HOD comment.
39 5) Exclusive meeting by HOD with faculty w.r.t IQAC targets and Non compliances of IQAC audits Ms. V. Premalatha
a) Minutes of the meetings including the minutes of the meeting w.r.t IQAC
40 6) Implementation of Academic delivery effectively Ms. N. Sreeram
a) Fortnight Academic Audit report by Prof Incharge (Academics)
b) Minutes of HOD meeting with course coordinators every fortnight.
c) Random verification of any 2 course coordinators meeting minutes by the auditor.
41 8) Usage of Library by Faculty and students Ms.K.Radha
a) Average percentage of utilisation by students and faculty – month wise.
42 9) Professional Society memberships by Faculty and students. Conduction of atleast one major event every semester under professional society Dr. M. Anusha
a) Circular in the beginning of every semester in the department giving the list of Professional societies in which faculty and students are required to take memberships.
b) Membership details of faculty with proofs.
c) Membership details of students with proofs.
d) List of the events conducted by the department under professional society in the Month and in the semester.
e) Report on Professional society events conducted by the department in the semester.
f) Details w.r.t professional society chapter started by the department.
43 10) Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) Dr. Supriya Menon
a) List of FDPs conducted by the department under category A with date of the conduction of event and their brief reports.
b) List of FDPs under category B for which the department faculty are nominated.
c) List of the department faculty giving details w.r.t number of FDPs attended by them in categories A, B and C
d) List of FDPs under category C with their dates ofconduction.
44 12) Career Counselling System Dr. Deepak Kumar panda
a) PF 16 Test and Reasoning test schedule-circular to the 1st year students by the value Education cell / MHS (for MHS programs) (During odd semester within one week after the
completion of Test 1)
b) Analysis of conducted PF16 and Reasoning test
c) Completion status of SIR for all the 1st year students by individual counsellors. ( A status report by the concerned HOD/Incharge  giving the completion status)
d) Completion status of SAR by the end of the Academic year. ( A status report by the concerned HOD giving the completion status)
e) Availability of SAR of all the 1st year students by the departments before the commencement of odd semester of 2nd year program.
f) Considering the SAR by all the counsellors in the counselling process
g) Minutes of the department counselling committee/DACB meeting sent to a) Central Academic Counselling beaurue/committee b) Central Career Counselling Committee by the end of every month.
h) Availability of minutes of Central Career Counselling Committee meeting( held in that month) in the department.
b) Constitution of DSGRC ( deaprtment Students Grievances Redressal Committee) as per the specified guidelines.
j) Report on the achievement of career choices opted by the students at the end of final year.
45 13) Students Grievance Redressal System Mr. P. Dharmendra Kumar
a) Availability of complaint box in the department for receiving student grievances in off line.
b) Constitution of DSGRC ( deaprtment Students Grievances Redressal Committee) as per the specified guidelines.
c) Consolidated details on weekly basis covering
a) Grievances received through complaint boxes.
b) Grievances received through mails / letters
c) Grievances received through ERP ticketing portal
d) Grievances pertaining to central level forwarded to Assoc. Dean ( Grievances) in the given format once in a week through the given link.
e) Minutes of the DSGRC meeting sent to the Assoc.Dean (Grievances) in the given format every month.
f) ATR in the given format for every month.
g) Availability of minutes of Central level Grievance redressal Committee meeting every month.
h) Minutes of the exclusive meeting by the Principal / Dean with HODs to analyse the minutes of meeting of DSGRC and to initiate necessary steps every month.
46 14) Faculty / Staff Grievance Redressal System Mr. P. Dharmendra Kumar
a) Availability of complaint box in the department for receiving Faculty / Staff grievances off line.
b) Constitution of DFGRC ( Department level Faculty/Staff Grievances Redressal Committee) as per the specified guidelines.
c) Consolidated details on weekly basis covering
a) Grievances received through complaint boxes.
b) Grievances received through mails / letters
c) Grievances received through ERP ticketing portal
d) Grievances pertaining to central level forwarded to Assoc. Dean ( Grievances) in the given formt once in a week through the given link.
e) Minutes of the DFGRC meeting sent to the Assoc.Dean (Grievances) in the given format every month.
f) ATR in the given format for every month.
g) Availability of minutes of Central level Grievance Redressal Committee meeting (held in that month.) in the department.
h) Minutes of the exclusive meeting by the Principal / Dean with HODs to analyse the minutes of meeting of DFGRC and to initiate necessary steps every month.
47 15) Counselling of the faculty by the HOD basing on the preliminary feed back analysis of the students and sending a report to the Dean - Academics. Mr. E.Rajesh Kumar
48 16) Identification of slow learners and post action steps. Ms.D. Manasa
a) Document showing Policy / Process for identifying slow learners.
b) list of Slow learners identified in the semester ( Year wise)
c) Circular showing Schedule for conduct of remedial classes to the slow learners
d) Attendance of students for remedial classes-Analysis and Action taken.