Synthetic Organic Chemistry Lab

S.No Name of the instrument Description
1 Differential Scanning Calorimeter Analysis of different phases in liquid crystals and calculation of enthalpy and entropy of different phases
2 Polarising Microscope To study the textures of liquid crystals during melting of liquid crystals
3 Liquid Crystal Analysis System (LCAS) To study the liquid crystal properties such as Dielectric constant, Rotational viscosity with temperature variation up to 120°C,Dielctric loss spectra etc.
4 FT-IR Spectroscopy Analysis the various functional groups in organic molecule
5 High Performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis of functionality of drugs, separation of chemical components in mixture and Purity of organic molecules
6 Gas Chromatography Analysis of functionality of drugs, separation of chemical components in mixture and Purity of organic molecules
7 pH Meter Maintenance of constant pH for carrying reactions
8 Conductivity Meter For checking of  conductance of distilled water

Major Equipment

S. No. Name of the Equipment Cost (Lakhs)
1. Potentiostat / Galvanostat 10
2. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 2
3. Shaker 0.45
4. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 18
5. Furnace .65
6. Chemical Vapour Deposition Setup 10

Department of Chemistry Major Equipment

S.No. Name of Equipment Year of Purchase Make Status
1 XRD 2019 Bruker To be purchased
2 FT-IR 2019 Shimadzu
3 Electrochemical workstation 2019 CHI working
4 Electro-spinning 2018 E-Spin nanotech working
5 Galvanostat and Potentiostat electrochemical workstation 2015 Metrohm Working
6 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer 2014 Shimadzu Working
7 Rotary evaporator 2014 Labtro Working
8 Photoluminescence 2014 Elico Working
9 HPLC 2013 Shimadzu Working
10 FT-IR 2013 Shimadzu Working
11 GC-MS 2013 Shimadzu Working
12 DSC 2012 Rigaku Working
13 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 2013 Lab India Working