Centre of Incubation or Technology Business Incubator (TBI)

Technology business incubator (TBI) is able to support the incubatees in respect of "Space + Services + Knowledge or skill" still the incubatee has to meet the working capital requirements in addition to certain specialized capital requirements of a technology driven start up. The objective of the seed support is to bridge the gap so that the financial constraint doesn't become a stumbling block in the 'Concept to commercialization' process. This is capital seed fund and when successfully utilized would enable the incubatee to seek higher level of loan assistance from Financial Institutions for further growth.

Some of the government funding agencies like DST, Dept of Electronics and Information Technology etc will support the start-ups through TBI, once TBI is established in the K L Deemed to be University.

The steps involved in the selection of Incubatees are:

  • Screening of Application Forms by TBI Committee and forwarding to the Experts Panel
  • Reviewing of the application by Experts panel and identifying of prospective Incubatee.
  • Interviewing of Incubatee by the Experts Panel.
  • Receiving Formal approval from Panel.
  • Negotiating of TBI Terms & Conditions with incubatee.
  • Executing of Agreement by the Incubatee.
  • Inducting of Incubatee in TBI.
  • The selection and induction procedure may take a few days time.