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Under Graduation
Academic Regulations

KL University offers 4 years Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and our courses are designed in Lecture-Tutorial-Practice-Skill (L-T-P-S) model to provide a comprehensive theoretical, practical, technical and skill based learning experience.

Undergraduate Program:

We offer 4 different types of B. Tech programs as per the student’s choice.

B.Tech Regular:

A student would be graduating with B. Tech Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering if s/he could earn minimum of 170 + 5 credits, as stipulated in the curriculum of the respective department.

Program Educational Objectives

PEO1 To apply engineering knowledge for broader, social, industrial and real challenges.
PEO2 To lay strong foundation to be able to pursue advanced education and research in sciences, engineering, and technology, to meet great professional & career objectives.
PEO3 To groom ethical and responsible professional,.
PEO4 To develop leadership qualities and expertise to meet the global economic development goals.

Program Outcomes

PO No keyword Program Outcome Description
1 Engineering Knowledge To impart mathematics, science, & engineering knowledge to develop skills to solve complex engineering problems.
2 Problem Analysis To develop abilities in identifying and formulating research literature, and to be able to analyze complex engineering problems in mechanical engineering using the principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering.
3 Design/ development of solutions An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and system component or processes that meet the specified needs considering public health & safety and cultural, societal & environment
4 Conduct investigations of complex problems An ability to use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5 Modern tool usage Ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering activities, while understanding its limitations.
6 The engineer and society Ability to apply reasoning and the contextual knowledge to assess social & health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practices.
7 Environment and sustainability Ability to demonstrate the engineering knowledge to find solutions to contemporary issues by understanding their impact on societal and environmental contexts, towards sustainable development
8 Ethics An ability to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
9 Individual and team work To inculcate abilities to be able to act as a leaer as well as team player effectively in multi-disciplinary settings
10 communication To develop oral and written communication skills to articulate the complex engineering activities with the engineering community and and society effectively through reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11 Project management and finance To develop working knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles to manage projects in multi-disciplinary environments.
12 Lifelong learning To inculcate the habit of constant knowledge upgrading habit to meet the ever-changing technology and industry needs.

Program Specific Outcomes

PSO1 To develop skills to analyze, test and design software projects to meet the user’s requirements.
PSO2 To develop working knowledge on emerging software tools and technologies.

UG Curriculum

Y22 BTech Curriculum

Y21 BTech Curriculum

Y20 BTech Curriculum

Y19 BTech Curriculum

Y18 BTech Curriculum

Program Rules and Regulations

Program Fee Structure

Course Outcomes(CO)

Course Outcomes(CO) 2022-2023 A.Y

Course Outcomes(CO) 2021-2022 A.Y

Course Outcomes(CO) 2020-2021 A.Y

Course Outcomes(CO) 2019-2020 A.Y

Course Outcomes(CO) 2018-2019 A.Y

Course Structure for B.Tech for the Academic Year 2021-2022