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Sponsored Projects

S.NoName of the PI/Co-PIDate of StartFunding AgencyTitle of the ProjectAmt Req.
(In Lakhs)
Reference NumberStatus
1Dr. K.L. Narayana Oct, 2018DST - TIDEFunctionally graded prosthetics and biomedical implants with optimal porosity for aged people68.510SEED/TIDE/2018/33Completed
2Dr. A. Srinath (PI)Dec, 2009UGCDevelopment of an expert system for design of an optimum manipulator for any medical/ surgical robot with the incorporation of neural network & fuzzy logic concepts for sensing. 7.69038-106/2009(SR)Completed
3Dr. K L Narayana Co PI Dr. J V Shanmukh KumarJun, 2020DSTSceince Fair for Rural Community Awareness12.790CO/A/FP/E91/2019Completed
4Dr.A.Srihari PrasadFeb, 2012AICTE Expermental investigation of thermomechanical properties of natural fiberreinforced composite materials.8.7008023/RID/RPS-31/Pvt(II Policy)/2011-12Completed
5Dr. A. SrinathMay, 2012DST – SERB FAST Track Scheme-YSDesign and Development of Robotic Set up for Cardio Pulmonary Discorders - Emphasis on Cardiac Resuscitation17.710SER/FTP/ET-0067/2012Completed
6HODJun, 2013DSTRobotics & Mechtronics Lab55.000SR/FST/ETI-317/2012(C)Completed
7Dr. K.L.NarayanaJul, 2013AICTE Matching and Shaping of Material Employing WEDM13.75012/AICTE/RIFD/MOD (Policy-4) Pvt-58/2012-13Completed
8Prof. K. V. RamanaAug, 2007NSTLDevelopment of expert systems for condition monitoring9.490NSTL/CARS/2007-08Completed
9Dr.A.SrinathJan, 2014UGC - RADevelopment of CPR Apparatus using AI interface35.92030-70//2012 (SA-II)Completed
10Mr.M.Nageswara RaoAug, 2015SERBIntegration of Strategic Tactical and Operational Level Planning of Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing System28.920SB/EMEQ-501/2014Completed
11Dr.A.Venkateswara RaoAug, 2015SERBSynthesis, characterization and evaluation of nanostuructured spinel thin-film LiMn2O4 cathode active materials with hetero valent multi ion insertion: Application for rechargable microbatteries.37.540SB/FTP/ETA-0176/2014Completed
12Dr. K.V. RamanaJun, 2016DST Development, Testing and Optimization of MRF dampers295.920DST/TSG/NTS/2015/68-CCompleted
13Dr V L Mangesh (PI)/Dr G Murali (Co-PI)May, 2023SERBHydroprocessing of waste plastics to produce diesel under low processing temperatures21.160SUR/2022/002647Ongoing