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Department of
electronics & communication Engineering

About Pulse

The student body of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering [ECE] PULSE, is a small effort to recognize great talents, a platform to enhance and nurture one’s skills, a path for students to progress. It is not only an opportunity for students to enhance their talents but also on the whole It’s a place to find something which can give value and meaning to the student life. As the name goes P-U-L-S-E, it powers every strand in your body and leaves you with a stimulation to work every-day with the goal and determination to stand out in the crowd and get success. Team Pulse has been conducting critically acclaimed flagship events year on year, such as the Idol of ECE, Treasure hunt, Tejomayam, Iconic Engineer, Project Expo and Renovate for students of Electronics department.

S.NO Event title Type of the Event Year
1 ZROTRIYA-2019 Department Technical Festival 2018-19
2 ZROTRIYA-2020 Department Technical Festival 2019-20
3 ZROTRIYA-2022 Department Technical Festival 2021-22
4 ZROTRIYA-2023 Department Technical Festival 2022-23