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electronics & communication Engineering


Research Publications - Conference

S.NoName(s) of the AuthorTitleNational / InternationalConf/Jur NameYear
1Sarat Kumar. KEffective rain height statistics for slant path attenuation prediction using wind profiler and radio sound measurementsINTMST11, Gadanki, International CNFference2006
2Sarat Kumar KHAM RADIO DURING DISASTERS - Brain Storming Session on Disaster ManagementINTSVU & ISRO - Tirupati2006
3Sarat Kumar KHAM RADIO IN AP – PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE” & TECHNOLOGY, Brain Storming Session on Disaster ManagementINTSVU & ISRO - Tirupati2006
4Sarat Kumar KAttenuation of INSAT 3B Ku Band Satellite Communication Signals due to Rain – few case studiesINTNational Space Science Symposium NSSS-2006,VSKP2006
5Sarat Kumar. KEffective rain height statistics for slant path attenuation prediction using wind profiler and radio sound measurementsINTMST11, Gadanki, International CNFference 2006
6Sarat Kumar KHAM RADIO DURING DISASTERS - Brain Storming Session on Disaster ManagementINTSVU & ISRO - Tirupati2006
7Sarat Kumar KHAM RADIO IN AP – PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE” & TECHNOLOGY, Brain Storming Session on Disaster ManagementINTSVU & ISRO - Tirupati2006
8Sarat Kumar KAttenuation of INSAT 3B Ku Band Satellite Communication Signals due to Rain – few case studiesINTNational Space Science Symposium NSSS-2006,VSKP2006
9Sarat Kumar. KStudies on Scintillations and Rain Attenuation Over An 11.7 GHz LinkINTProceedings of ISSR-07, Salem2007
10Syed ShameemSecure Image Transmission over Wireless ChannelsINTInternational CNFference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications2007
11Sarat Kumar. KStudies on Scintillations and Rain Attenuation Over An 11.7 GHz LinkINTProceedings of ISSR-07, Salem2007
12Syed ShameemSecure Image Transmission over Wireless ChannelsINTInternational CNFference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications2007
13Sarat Kumar. KPreliminary Implementation of Ku-Band Downlink Receiver Setup for Rain Attenuation Studies - an application study using DTHINTProceedings of International CNFference on RF & Signal Processing Systems RSPS-2008, KLCE2008
14Sarat Kumar. KResults of Rain Attenuation Studies for INSAT Ku and Ka Band Satellite Frequencies over Indian RegionINTNational Space Science Symposium NSSS-2008, NCRA-TIFR, Ooty,2008
15Sarat Kumar. KData Logging Task Using Lab View-An Application Study for Propagation Impairment along Earth Satellite Paths with Low Cost Experimental SetupINTIEEE International Symposium on Microwaves-2008 (ISM-08),2008
16Sarat Kumar. KPreliminary Implementation of Ku-Band Downlink Receiver Setup for Rain Attenuation Studies - an application study using DTHINTProceedings of International CNFference on RF & Signal Processing Systems RSPS-2008, KLCE2008
17Sarat Kumar. KResults of Rain Attenuation Studies for INSAT Ku and Ka Band Satellite Frequencies over Indian RegionINTNational Space Science Symposium NSSS-2008, NCRA-TIFR, Ooty,2008
18Sarat Kumar. KData Logging Task Using Lab View-An Application Study for Propagation Impairment along Earth Satellite Paths with Low Cost Experimental SetupINTIEEE International Symposium on Microwaves-2008 (ISM-08), 2008
19B.T.P. MadhavRectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna At 12Ghz On Liquid Crystal Polymer SubstrateINTNUiCNFE – 2010, Nirma University, Ahmedabad – 382 4812010
20B.Murali KrishnaCNFtrolling general purpose input and outputs through UART using vertex II pro FPGAINTFirst International CNFference on emerging trends in signal processing and VLSI design2010
21K. NaliniElectromagnetic Modeling of a Gyrotron Interaction CavityINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
22K.Ch.Sri KavyaClutter Modeling using Evaluation of ThresholdINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
23Duvvuri.S Ram KiranSymmetric Block Cipher Rijndael Algorithm using Advanced Encryption Standard for Implementation of Digital CryptographyINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
24Sri Jaya lakshmiDesign of Broad-Band Multilayered Microstrip AntennasINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
25E.L.SrujanaDual Band Patch AntennaINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
26T. V. Rama KrishnaAssessment of HMDS CNFcave Triangular Serrated CATRs by Changing Number of SerrationsINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
27K.Ch.Sri KavyaA Rectangular Aperture Circular Patch Array Antenna in Ku bandINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
28K.S.RameshCalibration of Positional Inaccuracy in Single Frequency GPS ReceiversINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
29K.S.RameshTime Delay Estimation and Range Errors in GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation Systems For Precision Approach to Civil Aviation ApplicationsINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
30M.Siva Ganga PrasadAnalysis of Fast Fading in Wireless Communication ChannelsINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
31M.Sravani2- and 3-Bit MEMS Phase ShiftersINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
32Habibulla KhanBlind Equalization With Joint Use Of CM Algorithm And Multi-Modulus Algorithm In Wireless Communication SystemsINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
33S.Sri Jaya LakshmiNon-CNFventional Beam Forming Technique using Array AntennaINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
34B.MuralikrishnaDirect Sequence Code Division Multiple Access Wireless Transmitter Design Using Virtex II Pro FPGANATNational CNFference on Recent Advances in DSP, Embedded Systems, VLSI, Image Processing2010
35B.T.P.MadhavPlanar Inverted F Antenna on Liquid Crystal polymer Substrate”, NCACT-2010NATNational CNFference at Gitam university.2010
37K.Ch.SrikavyaDesign of Micro strip Patch Antenna on Liquid Crystal Polymer for Applications at 70GHzNATICNF-20102010
38Y.S.V.RamanA Well Secured Multi-Image Steganography Using DCT TransformNATProceedings of Fourth National CNFference on Digital CNFvergence(FNCDC2011)2010
41K Pranob CharlesAu Courant Advent for Denoising and Compression of ECG SignalNATNCSCV- 10NATIONAL CNFFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING COMMUNICATIONS& VLSI DESIGN2010
42P.Poorna PriyaA Novel Approach For Image Security Using Frequency Domain Digitalwater MarkingNATNCSCV- 10, NATIONAL CNFFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING COMMUNICATIONS& VLSI DESIGN2010
43B.T.P. MadhavRectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna At 12Ghz On Liquid Crystal Polymer SubstrateINTNUiCNFE – 2010, Nirma University, Ahmedabad – 382 4812010
44B.Murali KrishnaCNFtrolling general purpose input and outputs through UART using vertex II pro FPGAINTFirst International CNFference on emerging trends in signal processing and VLSI design2010
45K. NaliniElectromagnetic Modeling of a Gyrotron Interaction CavityINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
46K.Ch.Sri Kavya Clutter Modeling using Evaluation of ThresholdINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
47Duvvuri.S Ram KiranSymmetric Block Cipher Rijndael Algorithm using Advanced Encryption Standard for Implementation of Digital CryptographyINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
48Sri Jaya lakshmiDesign of Broad-Band Multilayered Microstrip AntennasINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
49E.L.SrujanaDual Band Patch AntennaINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
50T. V. Rama KrishnaAssessment of HMDS CNFcave Triangular Serrated CATRs by Changing Number of SerrationsINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
51K.Ch.Sri KavyaA Rectangular Aperture Circular Patch Array Antenna in Ku bandINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
52K.S.RameshCalibration of Positional Inaccuracy in Single Frequency GPS ReceiversINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
53K.S.RameshTime Delay Estimation and Range Errors in GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation Systems For Precision Approach to Civil Aviation ApplicationsINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
54M.Siva Ganga PrasadAnalysis of Fast Fading in Wireless Communication ChannelsINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
55M.Sravani2- and 3-Bit MEMS Phase ShiftersINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
56Habibulla KhanBlind Equalization With Joint Use Of CM Algorithm And Multi-Modulus Algorithm In Wireless Communication SystemsINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
57S.Sri Jaya LakshmiNon-CNFventional Beam Forming Technique using Array AntennaINTRSPS-2010 - K L University2010
58B.MuralikrishnaDirect Sequence Code Division Multiple Access Wireless Transmitter Design Using Virtex II Pro FPGANATNational CNFference on Recent Advances in DSP, Embedded Systems, VLSI, Image Processing2010
59B.T.P.MadhavPlanar Inverted F Antenna on Liquid Crystal polymer Substrate”, NCACT-2010NATNational CNFference at Gitam university.2010
61K.Ch.SrikavyaDesign of Micro strip Patch Antenna on Liquid Crystal Polymer for Applications at 70GHzNATICNF-20102010
62Y.S.V.Raman A Well Secured Multi-Image Steganography Using DCT TransformNATProceedings of Fourth National CNFference on Digital CNFvergence(FNCDC2011)2010
65K Pranob Charles Au Courant Advent for Denoising and Compression of ECG SignalNATNCSCV- 10NATIONAL CNFFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING COMMUNICATIONS& VLSI DESIGN2010
66P.Poorna PriyaA Novel Approach For Image Security Using Frequency Domain Digitalwater MarkingNATNCSCV- 10, NATIONAL CNFFERENCE ON SIGNAL PROCESSING COMMUNICATIONS& VLSI DESIGN2010
67B.MuralikrishnaInterCNFnect Centric Design for Advanced System On Chip and Network On ChipINTInternational CNFference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems2011
68Habibulla KhanA Robust Technique for Multiuser Detection in the Presence of Signature UncertaintiesINT2nd International CNFference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS 2012)2011
69B.T.P. MadhavPlanar Dipole Antenna on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate at 2.4 GHzINT2nd International Symposium on Liquid Crystals: Science and Technology,(LCST2011), CHINA2011
70B.MuralikrishnaImplementation of ciphering algorithms using Xilinx spartran 3E FPGAINTInternational CNFference on Electronics communication and computing technologies ICECCT2011
71B.MuralikrishnaDesign of Low Power Four Bit Full Adder Using Sleepy Keeper ApproachNATNational CNFference on VLSI, Signal Processing and Communications2011
72P.S.BramhanandamImpact of geomagnetic stroms on the inospheric E-and F-regions observed fom the indian equatorial and low latitude stationsNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
73S.Gopi KrishnaFirst observation studies on Ionosheric scintillations at 250 MHz(VHF band) from a typical low-latitude station in india, K L University(16.4410N,80.6230E)NATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
74P.S.BramhanandamA comparative study on Ionospheric parameters measured with Ionosone and Predicted using IRI model at japanese longitudes during an extremely low sunspot activity yarNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
75K.S.RameshRemote sensing of Geo and aerospace weathers by Ionospheric monitoring-role of atmospheric gravity wavesNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
76T.S.R.PrasadForest Fire Monitoring system based on wireless sensor networksNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
77K.S.RameshComparative study of performance factors of PLL based frequency snthesizer in X-Band and KU-band for wireless applicationsNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
78M.Ravi KumarOrbital characeristics of slighted Inclined geostationary orbit satelliteNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
79D.Venkata Ratnamimpact of geomagnetic stroms on the inospheric E-and F-regions observed fom the indian equatorial and low latitude stationsNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
80P.S.BramhanandamMulti-Aspect Morphological study of the E-Layer field aligned irregularities observed by the gadanki VHF RADARNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
81R.RevathiAdvanced radar signal and data processing with its schemesNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
82D.Venkata RatnamStudy of GPS positional and DOP variations using singl frequency GPS receiver at K L UniversityNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
83R.RevathiSeismo generated gravity waves and associated ionospheric fluctuations observed by the ground based GPS receiversNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
84N.SureshIssues on the design CNFsiderations of stratolites as an air ship platform for navigation and augmentation-a new insightNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
85D.Venkata RatnamStudy of signal strength variations using single frequency GPS receiverNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
86S.Gopi KrishnaStudy of cycle slips and signal to noise ratio in dual frequency GPS receiverNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
87B.T.P. MadhavPrinted Microstrip Bow-tie Antenna on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate for Bluetooth and WLAN ApplicationsNATNational CNFference on signal processing and communication systems2011
88K.S.N.Murthy, Design & Simulation Of Ka-Band Receiver For Airborne RadarNATNational Level CNFference On Electronic Communication Systems,2011
89B.T.P. MadhavPlanar Dipole Antenna on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate at 2.4 GHzINT2nd International Symposium on Liquid Crystals: Science and Technology,(LCST2011), CHINA2011
90B.MuralikrishnaImplementation of ciphering algorithms using Xilinx spartran 3E FPGAINTInternational CNFference on Electronics communication and computing technologies ICECCT2011
91B.MuralikrishnaInterCNFnect Centric Design for Advanced System On Chip and Network On ChipINTInternational CNFference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems2011
92Habibulla Khan A Robust Technique for Multiuser Detection in the Presence of Signature UncertaintiesINT2nd International CNFference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS 2012)2011
93B.MuralikrishnaDesign of Low Power Four Bit Full Adder Using Sleepy Keeper ApproachNATNational CNFference on VLSI, Signal Processing and Communications2011
94P.S.BramhanandamImpact of geomagnetic stroms on the inospheric E-and F-regions observed fom the indian equatorial and low latitude stationsNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
95S.Gopi KrishnaFirst observation studies on Ionosheric scintillations at 250 MHz(VHF band) from a typical low-latitude station in india, K L University(16.4410N,80.6230E)NATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
96P.S.BramhanandamA comparative study on Ionospheric parameters measured with Ionosone and Predicted using IRI model at japanese longitudes during an extremely low sunspot activity yarNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
97K.S.RameshRemote sensing of Geo and aerospace weathers by Ionospheric monitoring-role of atmospheric gravity wavesNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
98T.S.R.PrasadForest Fire Monitoring system based on wireless sensor networksNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
99K.S.RameshComparative study of performance factors of PLL based frequency snthesizer in X-Band and KU-band for wireless applicationsNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
100M.Ravi KumarOrbital characeristics of slighted Inclined geostationary orbit satelliteNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
101D.Venkata Ratnamimpact of geomagnetic stroms on the inospheric E-and F-regions observed fom the indian equatorial and low latitude stationsNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
102P.S.BramhanandamMulti-Aspect Morphological study of the E-Layer field aligned irregularities observed by the gadanki VHF RADARNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
103R.RevathiAdvanced radar signal and data processing with its schemesNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
104D.Venkata RatnamStudy of GPS positional and DOP variations using singl frequency GPS receiver at K L UniversityNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
105R.RevathiSeismo generated gravity waves and associated ionospheric fluctuations observed by the ground based GPS receiversNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
106N.SureshIssues on the design CNFsiderations of stratolites as an air ship platform for navigation and augmentation-a new insightNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
107D.Venkata RatnamStudy of signal strength variations using single frequency GPS receiverNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
108S.Gopi KrishnaStudy of cycle slips and signal to noise ratio in dual frequency GPS receiverNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122011
109B.T.P. MadhavPrinted Microstrip Bow-tie Antenna on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate for Bluetooth and WLAN ApplicationsNATNational CNFference on signal processing and communication systems2011
110K.S.N.Murthy, Design & Simulation Of Ka-Band Receiver For Airborne RadarNATNational Level CNFference On Electronic Communication Systems,2011
111Habibulla KhanRobust Multiuser Detection in Synchronous DS-CDMA System with MRC Receive Diversity over Nakagami-m Fading ChannelINT2012 International CNFference on Smart Technologies for Materials and Communication (ICSTMC 2012)2012
112D.S.Ramkiran, Double Talk Echo Cancellation in Satellite Telephone Communication Using Adaptive AlogorithmsNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
113 K. Nalini, RF Signal Distribution subsystem for wind profilerNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
114P.Syam Sundar, Design and Analysis of Antenna for Direct Broadcast Sysem in the Satellite CommunicationNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
115B.T.P.MadhavDesign of Microstrip Bowtie Antenna for Cellula Video Application in Satellite CommunicationNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
116B.T.P.Madhav, Planar Inverted Folded Antenna for Mobile and Wireless Communication”NATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
117K. Phani Srinivas, Near field communication for mobile services”NATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
118Ch.SrinivasuAmbiguity surfaces of ultrawide band chirp signals in a high resolution radarNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
119S.GanesanUWB transmitter simulation for high data ratesNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
120Suraya MubeenBeam forming of Smart Antenna Systems Using RLS AlgorithmINTNAVCOM-20122012
121B.T.P.MadhavAN ADVANCED MAC PROTOCOL FOR DISTRIBUTED MIMO WLANSNAT1st National CNFference on next generation computing and information security (NCNGCIS)2012
122Vinay Kumar P., Srinivasa Rao V., Balaji S., Khan H., Anil Kumar TA robust technique for multiuser detection in the presence of signature uncertaintiesINTPECCS 2012 - Proceedings of the 2nd International CNFference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems2012
123Suraya MubeenBeam forming of Smart Antenna Systems Using RLS AlgorithmINTNAVCOM-20122012
124Habibulla Khan Robust Multiuser Detection in Synchronous DS-CDMA System with MRC Receive Diversity over Nakagami-m Fading ChannelINT2012 International CNFference on Smart Technologies for Materials and Communication (ICSTMC 2012)2012
125D.S.Ramkiran, Double Talk Echo Cancellation in Satellite Telephone Communication Using Adaptive AlogorithmsNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
126 K. Nalini, RF Signal Distribution subsystem for wind profilerNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
127P.Syam Sundar, Design and Analysis of Antenna for Direct Broadcast Sysem in the Satellite CommunicationNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
128B.T.P.MadhavDesign of Microstrip Bowtie Antenna for Cellula Video Application in Satellite CommunicationNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
129 B.T.P.Madhav, Planar Inverted Folded Antenna for Mobile and Wireless Communication”NATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
130K. Phani Srinivas, Near field communication for mobile services”NATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
131Ch.SrinivasuAmbiguity surfaces of ultrawide band chirp signals in a high resolution radarNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
132S.GanesanUWB transmitter simulation for high data ratesNATNational CNFference on Role of Radars in Atmospheric and Ionospheric Studies RAISE-122012
133B.T.P.MadhavAN ADVANCED MAC PROTOCOL FOR DISTRIBUTED MIMO WLANSNAT1st National CNFference on next generation computing and information security (NCNGCIS)2012
134N. S. M. P. Latha, D. Venkataratnam, S. VenkateshTEC Response Due to Geomagnetic Strom At Low Latitude GPS StationINTInternational Conference on Navigational systems & Signal Processing Applications2013
135R.Sathishkumar, T.V.S.Prasad GuptaSynthetic Aperture Radar Processing with Chirp Scaling AlgorithmNATProc of National CNFf. on Computational Intelligence in Electrical and Electronics Engineering2013
136R.Sathishkumar, T.V.S.Prasad GuptaAn Improved Classification and Segmentation Method for Sonar ImagesNATProc. of National CNFf. on Recent Trends in Electrical and Communication Engineering2013
137V.V.S.Murthy, Y.Mounica, K.Vakula Vamsi Krishna, K S.RavichandraReview of Performance Estimation for Image Registration using Optimization TechniqueNATNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED SIGNAL PROCESSINGAPPLICATIONS (NCASPA’13) ASPA-1642013
138V.V.S.Murthy, T.Yamini Satya, B.Lakshmi Meghana, K.Mallikarjun, M.S.VamsiReview over Image Alliance and Stitching methodsNATNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED SIGNAL PROCESSINGAPPLICATIONS (NCASPA’13) ASPA-1642013
139Suraya Mubeen, D.Yeswanth Sai ,Ch.Sumaja  Implementation of Phase Shifters in Smart AntennasINTInternational CNFference on  Electrical , Electronics, Communications and Photonics (ICEECP -2013) 2013
140M.L.S.N. SWARAJYA LAKSHMI, D.S RAM KIRAN , NIRANJAN PRASAD, M.S.G.PRASADPerformance of Communication System under Partial Band and Tone Jamming ScenarioINTIETE 44th MID-TERM SYMPOSIUM2013
141N. S. M. P. Latha, D. Venkataratnam, S. VenkateshTEC Response Due to Geomagnetic Strom At Low Latitude GPS StationINTInternational Conference on Navigational systems & Signal Processing Applications2013
142R.Sathishkumar, T.V.S.Prasad GuptaSynthetic Aperture Radar Processing with Chirp Scaling AlgorithmNATProc of National CNFf. on Computational Intelligence in Electrical and Electronics Engineering2013
143R.Sathishkumar, T.V.S.Prasad GuptaAn Improved Classification and Segmentation Method for Sonar ImagesNATProc. of National CNFf. on Recent Trends in Electrical and Communication Engineering2013
144Suraya Mubeen, D.Yeswanth Sai ,Ch.Sumaja  Implementation of Phase Shifters in Smart AntennasINTInternational CNFference on  Electrical , Electronics, Communications and Photonics (ICEECP -2013) 2013
145V.V.S.Murthy, Y.Mounica, K.Vakula Vamsi Krishna, K S.RavichandraReview of Performance Estimation for Image Registration using Optimization TechniqueNATNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED SIGNAL PROCESSINGAPPLICATIONS (NCASPA’13) ASPA-1642013
146V.V.S.Murthy, T.Yamini Satya, B.Lakshmi Meghana, K.Mallikarjun, M.S.VamsiReview over Image Alliance and Stitching methodsNATNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED SIGNAL PROCESSINGAPPLICATIONS (NCASPA’13) ASPA-1642013
147M.L.S.N. SWARAJYA LAKSHMI, D.S RAM KIRAN , NIRANJAN PRASAD, M.S.G.PRASADPerformance of Communication System under Partial Band and Tone Jamming ScenarioINTIETE 44th MID-TERM SYMPOSIUM2013
148D.Gayathri, V.V.S.MurthySimulation of Location Privacy Preserving(LPP) Scheme using Anonymization Mechanism and Review of LPP schemes in WSNNATNational Conference on Wireless Communication, & Sensor Networks2014
149B.Suresh, Sk.Subhani, V.S.Ghali, R. MulaveesalaMatched Energy Modality for Non Stationary Thermal Wave ImagingINTSpaces-20152015
150GeetikaDua, Ghali Venkata Subbarao, and Ravibabu MulaveesalaTesting and Evaluation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers by Thermal Wave ImagingINTSpaces-20152015
151Vanita Arora, Ravibabu Mulaveesala, and Ghali Venkata SubbaraoNon-destructive Testing of Steel Sample by Non-stationary Thermal Wave ImagingINTSpaces-20152015
152P Kiran Kumar, P Prasada Rao, K Hari KishoreOptimal Design of Reversable Parity Preserving New Full Adder/Full SubtractorINTICECS-20162015
153Kona Gowthami, K. Sripath RoyA Novel System To Provide Cab Safety For Women And Implementing With Internet Of ThingsNATNational Conference on Advancements in Embedded Systems and Sensor Networks (NCAESSN-2015)2015
154P.V.V.Kishore, M.V.D.Prasad, Ch.Raghava Prasad, R.Rahul4-Camera Model for Sign Language Recognition Using Elliptical Fourier Descriptors and ANNINTSpaces-20152015
155S R Sastry Klavakolanu1, M. Kama Raju, Fazal Noorbasha, B Raghu KanthA Review Report on Low Power VLSI Systems Analysis and Modeling TechniquesINTSpaces-20152015
156K. V. Prashanth, P.Saleem Akram, T.Anji ReddyReal-Time Issues in Embedded System DesignINTSpaces-20152015
157C. S. Preetham, M. Siva Ganga PrasadRelay, Power and Subchannel allocations for Underlay Non LOS OFDM-Based Cognitive Networks Under Interference TemperatureINTSpaces-20152015
158B T P Madhav, Jayasree Gogineni, Harini Appana, Jyothi Prathusha Chennam, Durga Sai Sruthi Thota, Priyanka KotteAnalysis of Compact Coplanar Waveguide Fed Slot Antenna with EBG StructureINTSpaces-20152015
159Venkata Kishore.K, Galaba Sai Rajesh,Dr.Vijay Kumar,Dr.P.Srinivasulu, K. Ch. Sri Kavya, Sarat K Kotamraju8-Way Unequal Amplitude Equal Phase RF Power Feeder Network Design Using Conventional Microstrip Technology for 430MHz TroposphericWind Profiling RadarINTSpaces-20152015
160Prasad Rayi, M.V.S. Prasad, P.V.V.KishoreModelling, Simulation of Multi-User Grouping Considering Channel States in MIMO SystemsINTSpaces-20152015
161Vinay Balusa, V S K Pavan Kumar, B T P MadhavAperture Coupled Feed Circularly Polarized AntennaINTSpaces-20152015
162CH. Kranthi Rekha, Dr. K. Manjunathachari, Dr.G.V. Subba RaoSpeckle Noise Reduction in 3D Ultrasound Images – A ReviewINTSpaces-20152015
163P.V.V.Kishore, A.S.C.S.Sastry, C B S Vamsi Krishna, Y.Vikas, C.SD.AneeshHyperspectral face DATA Reduction and classificatioN with multiresolution waveletsINTSpaces-20152015
164P.V.V.Kishore MIEEE, A.S.C.S.Sastry, A.Kartheek, Sk.Harshad MahathaBlock Based thresholding in Wavelet Domain for Denoising Ultrasound Medical ImagesINTSpaces-20152015
165P.V.V.Kishore, S.R.C.Kishore, E.Kiran Kumar, K.V.V.Kumar, P.AparnaMedical Image Watermarking with DWT-BAT algorithmINTSpaces-20152015
166Wagdarikar A M U, Mr. Senapathi R KRobust and novel blind watermarking sheme for H.264 compressed videoINTSpaces-20152015
167T J V Subrahmanyeswara Rao, Dr.M Venu Gopala Rao, S N M Sitara, G Meghana, K AshaImage Inpainting with Group Based Sparse Representation using Self Adaptive Dictionary LearningINTSpaces-20152015
168Kasiprasad.Mannepalli, V RajeshAccent Detection of Telugu Speech Using Prosodic and Formant FeaturesINTSpaces-20152015
169M. Suman, Habibulla Khan, M. Madhavi Latha, D. Aruna KumariPerformance analysis of Enhanced Noisy Compressed Speech Signal Corrupted by Gaussian and Real World Noise Using Recursive FilterINTSpaces-20152015
170S.Vaishali, K.Kishan Rao, G.V. Subba RaoA Review-Noise Reduction Methods for Brain MRI ImagesINTSpaces-20152015
171Ramesh Babu Vallabhaneni, V. RajeshBTSWASH: Brain Tumour Segmentation by Water Shed AlgorithmINTSpaces-20152015
172P. Laxmikanth, L. Surendra, D. Venkata Ratnam, S.Susrutha Babu, S.Suparshya BabuEnhancing the performance of AOA estimation in wireless communication using MUSIC algorithmINTSpaces-20152015
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176Computer Communication, Networking and Internet SecurityDesign of Scan Cell for System on Chip Scan Based Debugging ApplicationsINTSpringer2017
177Computer Communication, Networking and Internet SecurityImproved In-System Debugging of High Level Synthesis Generated FPGA CircuitsINTSpringer2017