Specializations - K L Deemed to be University

Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation

(Deemed to be University)


S.NoDepartmentName of the Specialization
1BTGenomics & Proteomics
2BTBioprocess Technology
3CEStructural Engineering
4CE Geotechnical , Transportation Engineering& Conctruction Technology & Management
5CEEnvironment, Water resources and Geo Space Technology
6CHEMISTRYSynthetic Organic Chemistry
7CHEMISTRYAnalytical Chemistry
8CSESoftware Engineering
9CSENetworks, Security & Forensics
10CSEKnowledge Engineering
11CSECloud Computing
12CSEInternet of Things
13ECECommunication Systems
14ECEImage, Speech & Signal Processing
15ECEMicro Electronics
16EEEPower Electronics
17EEEPower Systems
18ECMEmbedded Systems & Sensor Networks
19ENGLISHTrans-Litt Language
20MATHSApplied Mathematics
21MATHSFluid Dynamics
22MBAOrganizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
24MBAFinance & Economics
25MEDesign & Manufacturing Engineering
26MEEnergy and CFD
27MERobotics & Mechatronics
28PHYSICSCentre for Nanotechnology
29PHYSICSCentre for Emerging materials