Research Publications - K L Deemed to be University

Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation

(Deemed to be University)

Research Publications

Research Publications - Journal
S.NoName(s) of the AuthorTitleNational / InternationalConf/Jur NameYear
1N. Krishna JyothiIonic conductivity and battery characteristic studies of a new PAN-based Na+ ion conducting gel polymer electrolyte systemINTIndian Journal of Physics2015
2K. SwapnaVisible, up-conversion and NIR (~1.5µm) luminescence studies of Er3+ doped Zinc Alumino Bismuth Borate glassesINTJournal of Luminescence2015
3Sk. Shahenoor BashaElectrical conductivity, transport and discharge characteristics of sodium acetae trihydrate complexed with polyvinyl alcohol for electrochemical cellINTInternational Journal of Chem Tech Research2015
4J. Ramesh BabuStudies on structural and electrical proprties of NaHCO3 doped PVA films for electrochemical applicationsINTInternational Journal of Chem Tech Research2015
5N. Krishna JyothiIonic conductivity and battery characteristic studies of a new PAN-based Na+ ion conducting gel polymer electrolyte systemINTIndian Journal of Physics2015
6K. SwapnaVisible, up-conversion and NIR (~1.5µm) luminescence studies of Er3+ doped Zinc Alumino Bismuth Borate glassesINTJournal of Luminescence2015
7Sk. Shahenoor BashaElectrical conductivity, transport and discharge characteristics of sodium acetae trihydrate complexed with polyvinyl alcohol for electrochemical cellINTInternational Journal of Chem Tech Research2015
8J. Ramesh BabuStudies on structural and electrical proprties of NaHCO3 doped PVA films for electrochemical applicationsINTInternational Journal of Chem Tech Research2015
